The USgrid R package provides a set of high frequency (hourly) time-series datasets, describing the demand and generation of electricity in the US (lower-48 states, excluding Alaska and Hawaii). That includes the following series:
- the total hourly demand and supply (generation) for electricity in the US since July 2015
- the US net generation of electricity by energy source (natural gas, coal, solar, etc.) since July 2018
- The California subregion hourly demand by operator since July 2018
All datasets are in tsibble format
Source: US Energy Information Administration,Mar 2021
Install the stable version from CRAN:
or install the development version from Github:
# install.packages("remotes") remotes::install_github("RamiKrispin/USgrid")
The hourly demand and generation (supply) of electricty in the US:
library(USgrid) library(plotly) data(US_elec) plot_ly(data = US_elec, x = ~ date_time, y = ~ series, color = ~ type, colors = c("#66C2A5","#8DA0CB"), type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>% layout(title = "US Electricity Demand vs. Supply (Hourly)", yaxis = list(title = "Mwh"), xaxis = list(title = "Source: US Energy Information Administration (Mar 2021)"))
The hourly generation (supply) of electricty in the US by source:
data("US_source") plot_ly(data = US_source, x = ~ date_time, y = ~ series, color = ~ source, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>% layout(title = "US Electricity Generation by Energy Source", yaxis = list(title = "Mwh"), xaxis = list(title = "Source: US Energy Information Administration (Mar 2021)"))
The California subregion hourly demand by operator
data("Cal_elec") plot_ly(data = Cal_elec, x = ~ date_time, y = ~ series, color = ~ operator, type = "scatter", mode = "lines") %>% layout(title = "California Hourly Demand by Operator", yaxis = list(title = "Mwh"), xaxis = list(title = "Source: US Energy Information Administration (Mar 2021)"))