Data on daily hospital bed use and available capacity at San Francisco acute care hospitals from April 2020 onward. Long Term Care facilities (like Laguna Honda and Kentfield) are not included in this data as acute care patients cannot be admitted to these facilities. More information about the data available here
An object class data.frame with 5 variables
The hospital name, currently a single categorical variable, c("All SF Acute Hospitals")
Date which the data was recorded in YYYY-MM-DD format
The bed type, c("Intensive Care Surge", "Acute Care", "Acute Care Surge", "Intensive Care")
The bed category status, c("Available", "COVID-19 (Confirmed & Suspected)", "Other Patients")
The bed count
San Francisco, Department of Public Health - Population Health Division through San Francisco Opne Data protal website.
The dataset contains a summary of San Francisco hospital bed status
#> hospital date bed_type status count
#> 1 All SF Acute Hospitals 2020-07-22 Intensive Care Surge Available 309
#> 2 All SF Acute Hospitals 2021-07-18 Intensive Care Surge Available 298
#> 3 All SF Acute Hospitals 2020-07-22 Acute Care Surge Available 406
#> 4 All SF Acute Hospitals 2021-07-18 Acute Care Available 487
#> 5 All SF Acute Hospitals 2021-07-18 Acute Care Surge Available 247
#> 6 All SF Acute Hospitals 2021-07-18 Intensive Care Available 123