The Dockerfile

The Dockerfile provides a set of instructions for the Docker engine about how to build the image. You can think about it as the image’s recipe. It has its own unique and intuitive syntax using the following structure:

COMMAND some instructions

For example, the following Dockerfile imports the official Python (version 3.10) image as the base image and then using the apt-get update and apt-get install to install the curl library :


FROM python:3.10

LABEL example=1


RUN apt-get update && apt-get install -y --no-install-recommends curl

In a nutshell, we used the FROM command to specify the image we want to import from the Docker registry (don’t forget to login to the Docker registry service you are using before building the image!). The LABEL command is used to set labels or comments, and the ENV command is to set environment variables. Last but not least, the RUN command is used to run a command on the command line, in this case, to install the curl library.

Let’s now review the Dockerfile core commands:

Do not worry if, at this point, you do not fully understand the use cases of some of those commands. It will make more sense when we start to build images in the next section.