The coronavirus R package provides a tidy format dataset of the 2019 Novel Coronavirus COVID-19 (2019-nCoV) epidemic and the vaccination efforts by country. In addition, the data is available in a CSV format to enable none R users to pull and use it seamlessly.

The goal of this vignette is to demonstrate how to load the data into Julia. In the following example, we will load the coronavirus dataset, a tidy format of the John Hopkins COVID19 dataset, providing a daily summary of the COVID19 cases by type (confirmed, recovered, death), and by country.

The Julia source code can be find here.

Required Julia libraries

For loading the data from the coronavirus Github repository, summarized and plot it we will use the following libraries:

  • HTTP - to load the data from url
  • CSV - to read the CSV file
  • DataFrames - to store the data as dataframe and manipulate it (filter, group by, etc.)
  • PlotlyJS - to visualize the data
using Pkg, CSV, DataFrames, PlotlyJS

We will use the following packages versions:

      Status `~/Personal/packages/coronavirus/vignettes/covid19_env/Project.toml`
  [336ed68f] CSV v0.9.6
  [8be319e6] Chain v0.4.8
  [a93c6f00] DataFrames v1.2.2
  [f0f68f2c] PlotlyJS v0.18.8

Loading the data

The .\csv\ folder on the package repository contains the package data in a CSV format. Due to size limitations, each year of data is stored on a separate file under the name coronavirus_ + year. To load all the files, we will use the below for loop to pull the corresponding files from 2020 to 2023. Since the files are being loaded from a URL we will use the download function and load the files with the CSV.File and transform it to a DataFrame with the DataFrame function:

url = ""

df = reduce(vcat, [DataFrame(CSV.File(download(join([url, i, ".csv"])), missingstring= "NA")) for i in [2020:1:2023;]])
<Julia object of type DataFrame>
951684×15 DataFrame
    Row │ date        province   country   lat       long       type       cases  uid     iso2      iso3      code3   combined_key     population  continent_name  continent_code
        │ Date…       String63?  String63  Float64?  Float64?   String15   Int64  Int64?  String3?  String3?  Int64?  String63?        Float64?    String15?       String3?
      1 │ 2020-01-22  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      2 │ 2020-01-23  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      3 │ 2020-01-24  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      4 │ 2020-01-25  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      5 │ 2020-01-26  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      6 │ 2020-01-27  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      7 │ 2020-01-28  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      8 │ 2020-01-29  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
   ⋮    │     ⋮           ⋮         ⋮         ⋮          ⋮          ⋮        ⋮      ⋮        ⋮         ⋮        ⋮            ⋮             ⋮             ⋮               ⋮
 951678 │ 2023-02-05  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951679 │ 2023-02-06  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951680 │ 2023-02-07  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951681 │ 2023-02-08  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951682 │ 2023-02-09  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951683 │ 2023-02-10  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951684 │ 2023-02-11  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
                                                                                                                                                               951669 rows omitted

Note: similarly, you can load the vaccine data by using the following end point:

Let’s review the appended file:

<Julia object of type DataFrame>
951684×15 DataFrame
    Row │ date        province   country   lat       long       type       cases  uid     iso2      iso3      code3   combined_key     population  continent_name  continent_code
        │ Date…       String63?  String63  Float64?  Float64?   String15   Int64  Int64?  String3?  String3?  Int64?  String63?        Float64?    String15?       String3?
      1 │ 2020-01-22  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      2 │ 2020-01-23  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      3 │ 2020-01-24  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      4 │ 2020-01-25  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      5 │ 2020-01-26  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      6 │ 2020-01-27  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      7 │ 2020-01-28  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
      8 │ 2020-01-29  Alberta    Canada     53.9333  -116.576   confirmed      0   12401  CA        CAN          124  Alberta, Canada   4.41315e6  North America   missing
   ⋮    │     ⋮           ⋮         ⋮         ⋮          ⋮          ⋮        ⋮      ⋮        ⋮         ⋮        ⋮            ⋮             ⋮             ⋮               ⋮
 951678 │ 2023-02-05  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951679 │ 2023-02-06  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951680 │ 2023-02-07  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951681 │ 2023-02-08  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951682 │ 2023-02-09  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951683 │ 2023-02-10  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
 951684 │ 2023-02-11  missing    Zimbabwe  -19.0154    29.1549  recovery       0     716  ZW        ZWE          716  Zimbabwe          1.48629e7  Africa          AF
                                                                                                                                                               951669 rows omitted

We will use the describe function to review the dataframe attributes:

<Julia object of type DataFrame>
15×7 DataFrame
 Row │ variable        mean       min          median      max            nmissing  eltype
     │ Symbol          Union…     Any          Any         Any            Int64     Type
   1 │ date                       2020-01-22   2021-08-02  2023-02-11            0  Date
   2 │ province                   Alberta                  Zhejiang         664615  Union{Missing, String63}
   3 │ country                    Afghanistan              Zimbabwe              0  String63
   4 │ lat             19.2673    -71.9499     20.5937     71.7069            5585  Union{Missing, Float64}
   5 │ long            23.84      -178.117     21.7453     178.065            5585  Union{Missing, Float64}
   6 │ type                       confirmed                recovery              0  String15
   7 │ cases           851.714    -6298082     0.0         1355240               0  Int64
   8 │ uid             2840.84    4            531.0       15699             35744  Union{Missing, Int64}
   9 │ iso2                       AD                       ZW                49148  Union{Missing, String3}
  10 │ iso3                       ABW                      ZWE               45797  Union{Missing, String3}
  11 │ code3           375.042    4            336.0       894               45797  Union{Missing, Int64}
  12 │ combined_key               Afghanistan              Zimbabwe          35744  Union{Missing, String63}
  13 │ population      2.87888e7  809.0        6.88e6      1.38e9            53616  Union{Missing, Float64}
  14 │ continent_name             Africa                   South America     45797  Union{Missing, String15}
  15 │ continent_code             AF                       SA               207762  Union{Missing, String3}

The dataset has the following fields:

  • date - The date of the summary
  • province - The province or state, when applicable
  • country - The country or region name
  • Lat - Latitude point
  • Long - Longitude point
  • type - The type of case (i.e., confirmed, death)
  • cases - The number of daily cases (corresponding to the case type)
  • uid - Country code
  • iso2 - Officially assigned country code identifiers with two-letter
  • iso3 - Officially assigned country code identifiers with three-letter
  • code3 - UN country code
  • combined_key - Country and province (if applicable)
  • population - Country or province population
  • continent_name - Continent name
  • continent_code - Continent code

Data summary

Once we load the data, it would be interesting to explore the data using summary tables. In the following examples, we will create a summary of cases (confirmed and death) by country. We will use the chain function to filter the case type, group by country, aggregated by cases, and sort by the number of cases. We will start with a confirmed cases summary:

@chain df begin
    filter(:type => ==("confirmed"),_)
    groupby([:combined_key, :type])
    combine([:cases] .=> sum)
    sort!([:cases_sum], rev = true)
<Julia object of type DataFrame>
279×3 DataFrame
 Row │ combined_key                     type       cases_sum
     │ String63?                        String15   Int64
   1 │ US                               confirmed  102843070
   2 │ India                            confirmed   44685219
   3 │ France                           confirmed   38517125
   4 │ Germany                          confirmed   37907312
   5 │ Brazil                           confirmed   36930339
   6 │ Japan                            confirmed   32957753
   7 │ Korea, South                     confirmed   30350199
   8 │ Italy                            confirmed   25519067
  ⋮  │                ⋮                     ⋮          ⋮
 273 │ Qinghai, China                   confirmed        782
 274 │ Diamond Princess                 confirmed        712
 275 │ Holy See                         confirmed         29
 276 │ Grand Princess, Canada           confirmed         13
 277 │ MS Zaandam                       confirmed          9
 278 │ Channel Islands, United Kingdom  confirmed          0
 279 │ Diamond Princess, Canada         confirmed          0
                                             264 rows omitted

Similarly, we can summarize the total number of death cases by country:

@chain df begin
    filter(:type => ==("death"),_)
    groupby([:combined_key, :type])
    combine([:cases] .=> sum)
    sort!([:cases_sum], rev = true)
<Julia object of type DataFrame>
279×3 DataFrame
 Row │ combined_key                       type      cases_sum
     │ String63?                          String15  Int64
   1 │ US                                 death       1114514
   2 │ Brazil                             death        697662
   3 │ India                              death        530750
   4 │ Russia                             death        387560
   5 │ Mexico                             death        332580
   6 │ Peru                               death        219250
   7 │ United Kingdom                     death        214777
   8 │ Italy                              death        187551
  ⋮  │                 ⋮                     ⋮          ⋮
 273 │ Jiangsu, China                     death             0
 274 │ Ningxia, China                     death             0
 275 │ Qinghai, China                     death             0
 276 │ Saint Helena, Ascension and Tris…  death             0
 277 │ Tibet, China                       death             0
 278 │ Holy See                           death             0
 279 │ Summer Olympics 2020               death             0
                                              264 rows omitted

Visualize the data

Last but not least, we will plot the data using PlotlyJS, Plotly version for Julia. In the following example, we will generate a side-by-side plot of Brazil’s total daily confirmed and death cases. We will start by filtering the cases in Brazil by case type - confirmed and death:

df_brazil_confirmed = filter(row -> == "Brazil" && row.type == "confirmed", df)
df_brazil_death = filter(row -> == "Brazil" && row.type == "death", df)
<Julia object of type DataFrame>
1117×15 DataFrame
  Row │ date        province   country   lat       long      type      cases  uid     iso2      iso3      code3   combined_key  population  continent_name  continent_code
      │ Date…       String63?  String63  Float64?  Float64?  String15  Int64  Int64?  String3?  String3?  Int64?  String63?     Float64?    String15?       String3?
    1 │ 2020-01-22  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    2 │ 2020-01-23  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    3 │ 2020-01-24  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    4 │ 2020-01-25  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    5 │ 2020-01-26  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    6 │ 2020-01-27  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    7 │ 2020-01-28  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
    8 │ 2020-01-29  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
  ⋮   │     ⋮           ⋮         ⋮         ⋮         ⋮         ⋮        ⋮      ⋮        ⋮         ⋮        ⋮          ⋮            ⋮             ⋮               ⋮
 1111 │ 2023-02-05  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death         0      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1112 │ 2023-02-06  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death        74      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1113 │ 2023-02-07  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death        94      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1114 │ 2023-02-08  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death        93      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1115 │ 2023-02-09  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death        37      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1116 │ 2023-02-10  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death       -43      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
 1117 │ 2023-02-11  missing    Brazil     -14.235  -51.9253  death        42      76  BR        BRA           76  Brazil         2.12559e8  South America   SA
                                                                                                                                                          1102 rows omitted

To plot the confirmed and death cases side by side, we will use the make_subplots function to set the grid and add the plots with the add_trach function:

p = make_subplots(rows=2, 
                  x_title = "Source: Johns Hopkins University Center for Systems Science and Engineering",

add_trace!(p, scatter(df_brazil_confirmed,x=:date, y=:cases, name = "Confirmed"), row=1, col=1)
add_trace!(p, scatter(df_brazil_death,x=:date, y=:cases, name = "Death"), row=2, col=1)

relayout!(p, title_text="Brazil - Daily Confirmed and Death Cases")

Note: The current markdown format does not support interactive HTML objects. Therefore, the plot out above was saved as a png file and lost its interactivity attributes.